Strives for healthy sustainable natural resources and positive impact toward community


Indonesia is a land of great biodiversity, we want to make sure that the resources that we use to create great products are sourced in a way that does not disrupt the ecosystem. Finding new ways to nurture while minimizing the environmental impact, throughout the decades, INTERA’s commitment for a healthy sustainable natural resources has never changed, including continuous pursuit towards lean manufacturing, responsible sourcing and distribution, material waste and emissions reduction, and environmentally conscious product development.


To ensure high quality & environmentally responsible products, PT. INTERA INDONESIA is certified with: FSC® • SVLK • ISO 9001 • Amfori BSCI • SCAN • Higg Index


Adjacents to the commitment for a healthy environment, INTERA also contributes directly to our local community empowerment.

INTERA still incorporates simple manual labor in the creation process of our natural fibers components. Every single product that we produce, supports the local labor and family’s economy. Integrating manual handcrafting methods into our production process, not only limits the amount of greenhouse gasses we emit – but also gives a personalied feel and perfection to the products.